NJBIZ Conversations: Ascendion CEO Karthik Krishnamurthy - Ascendion

NJBIZ Conversations: Ascendion CEO Karthik Krishnamurthy

Ascendion April 22, 2024

Karthik Krishnamurthy, CEO, Ascendion, was featured in a NJBIZ Conversations video and article by Jeffrey Kanige, on April 15, 2024. Karthik focuses on what AI can do for businesses, how Ascendion helps clients use the technology, and how to address the questions that arise around the deployment of AI.


Conversation excerpt:

“We work with organizations to help them solve big business problems and impact lives through the power of AI and technology.

Our goal is to help organizations really leverage the power of AI tech and AI talent, to make that happen.”

Check out the full article and conversation on NJBIZ: