How generative AI leads to bumper crops: Soil testing leader reaps 30% more efficiency

What happens when generative AI gets down and dirty? The answers: increased crop yields, optimal resource use, and sustainable land management. Agriculture and artificial intelligence may seem far apart, but food and crop production can reap major benefits from generative AI’s productivity, velocity and insights.

Not every soil patch is ideal for all crops, as many home gardeners have learned from withering vines and anemic tomatoes. Harvesting data and having accurate predictions of soil capabilities makes all the difference for agriculturists, farmers and researchers to plan and reap a better bounty. Accurate soil testing helps choose the right crops for the land and get the best yields, plus uses resources more efficiently and sustainably.

Our client, a soil thermal testing leader, sought an artificial intelligence solution to build a density and moisture prediction and prescription engine to produce human-like responses based on predicted outcomes based on historic data.

Cultivating better recommendations

Ascendion’s experts in advanced AI took years of multi-source, multi-dimensional data and applied AI to uncover unseen patterns and make intelligent recommendations based on organizing patterns and themes. The outcomes created specific recommendations for our client to act on, reduce delays and make immediate decisions.

Ascendion’s state-of-the-art generative AI algorithms offered high levels of accuracy in data and improved reliability in predictions. With AI, the client can now tailor recommendations based on specific crops, environmental conditions and farmer preferences, all coming together to produce the best outcome for the soil conditions.

Generative AI propogates exponential impact

Soil testing is an important tool for agricultural businesses to make better decisions about crops and land usage. The generative AI solution can lead to increased crop yields, better resource optimization and sustainable land management.

As a result of Ascendion’s generative AI work for a density and moisture prediction and prescription engine, our client helps agricultural firms understand soil patterns for ideal land use and avoid inaccurate results, waste and adverse environmental impact.

Featured Client Outcomes

Together, we are pioneering revolutionary technology solutions across industries to bring about transformative changes, crafting the future of technology for our valued clients.