Telecom giant enjoys 30% accelerated time to market with AI - Ascendion

Telecom giant enjoys 30% accelerated time to market with AI

Ascendion September 21, 2023

The average American makes or receives 8 mobile phone calls per day. What happens every day amongst 300 million users? Data explosion! For a telecom service provider, protecting consumer data is crucial. Telecom systems are prone to several threats and require a holistic security system in place.

Our client, a telecom major, wanted a robust alert mechanism to detect threats. With Ascendion’s expertise, we set up a dynamic threat detection and automated alert mechanism with AI using real-time data to identify threats.

Smart algorithms for secure data

Ascendion used generative AI and developed a fingerprint-based algorithm to detect threats. With Ascendion’s expertise in machine learning, we enhanced the telecom provider’s AI capabilities. We employed techniques like Low Rank Adoption (LoRA) that enables faster and more efficient model training. The platform’s agility and scalability enabled them to better secure their data.

The results:

  • 30% faster AI model development for swifter product launches and deployments
  • 25% improvement in overall system efficiency with reduced processing times
  • 20% less resource consumption, leading to cost reductions

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