A deep dive into what it’s like to live the Ascendion life


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Stories from Ascenders

Anju TK,

Data Manager

From Maps to Matrices: Kundan’s Dual Passion
Fahima Ansari

Senior Assciate Engineer

From Maps to Matrices: Kundan’s Dual Passion
Kanimozhi Rangaswamy

Lead Engineer

From Maps to Matrices: Kundan’s Dual Passion
Joshua Anderson

Senior Assciate Engineer

From Maps to Matrices: Kundan’s Dual Passion
Lee Evans

Senior Program Manager

From Maps to Matrices: Kundan’s Dual Passion
Alayna Constantine

Regional Sales Manager

From Maps to Matrices: Kundan’s Dual Passion

Future of Talent

The pandemic changed the face of the future. It’s given light to newer ways of working and living. We love our people and encourage them to be their true self. We embrace them and celebrate them for who they are.

Future of talent

The pandemic changed the face of the future. It’s given light to newer ways of working and living. We love our people and encourage them to be their true self. We embrace them and celebrate them for who they are.

Balancing Remote Work

Sanjana Mohan Babu’s story

Shruti Sharma's Story

Take a peek into living the Ascendion life.


Christina Ross’s story

Balancing Hybrid Work

Cassandra Garza’s story

Culture gallery

Dive into the world of Ascenders. Where every idea counts, every action adds an impact, and every victory is celebrated.

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