Leading financial services firm’s modernized platform creates single point for digital payments

A click, a tap and zoom – that’s the speed at which users expect banking experience. Being smooth and seamless is a prerequisite when modernizing an application or a platform. Ensuring these, we built an agile, scalable modernized money movement platform for our client.

Our client, a leading financial services firm, needed a modern platform with complete visibility for all payment transactions across all users. They had different platforms for different payment transactions on olden legacy platforms, making it challenging to offer quick access and solutions for users. IT faced challenges in continuity, and scalability due to scattered data; data analysis was time consuming.

Building a scalable platform for the future

Ascendion modernized platform for cross-business transactions – this was our primary goal. We built a common framework for digital payments ensuring business continuity, scaled refinement queries, and analyzed the existing automated testing for framework integration.

We also pushed for cloud implementation needs, working in a co-engineering model. Modernized legacy transactions using AWS cloud solution.

The results:

Featured Client Outcomes

Together, we are pioneering revolutionary technology solutions across industries to bring about transformative changes, crafting the future of technology for our valued clients.